Friday, December 10, 2010

Face(book) the facts.

Do you have anything on your Facebook page that could hurt you later in life? Many employers when considering a job candidate will look at potential employee's Facebook pages before actually hiring anyone. Is it right? Well, that's not really relevant anymore since they do it anyway. Nobody has a choice. But there is a simple solution out there, just don't have anything on Facebook that could hurt you later in life. When discussing the topic with my mother she simply said, "Don't trash an employer in public. That's something to talk about at home not in a public place." Word spreads quickly with the use of technology, and even more quickly when it's on the internet in the first place. When talking to a college friend of mine he told me "Privacy settings are made for a reason. Use them." Although that brings me to another issue. Anything that ever was on the internet is available for anyone to see... with some snooping. Should employers be able to creep in to your Facebook even if it's set on private? I would think not, but it can happen, so think about that next time you post something remotely inappropriate. How do you know what's inappropriate? Just go by this guideline; don't post anything you wouldn't want your mother to see.

1 comment:

  1. Good angle. It would be a good idea to find a quote from an employer web site. You also need to have names of people quoted.
